Maker Momma

Maker Momma - Building art and community every day.

My daughter Elliott with my partner Zack and I at our sculpture, Baba Yaga’s House at Fly Ranch in Gerlach, NV.

My daughter Elliott with my partner Zack and I at our sculpture, Baba Yaga’s House at Fly Ranch in Gerlach, NV.


Community Centered

Building the Chicken Legs for Baba Yaga’s House - 2018

Building the Chicken Legs for Baba Yaga’s House - 2018

Myself, my daughter Elliott and my partner Zack during Space Whale Build in 2016.

Myself, my daughter Elliott and my partner Zack during Space Whale Build in 2016.

My daughter Elliott, me and Shannon O’Keefe at The Space Whale installation in downtown Reno, NV.

My daughter Elliott, me and Shannon O’Keefe at The Space Whale installation in downtown Reno, NV. - 2017


Self-expression and working in community are the core of my life. Through my many years of working within maker spaces across the US, I’ve found that when you work in a collaborative space you create lasting bonds, learn and share an unimaginable amount of skills, and create projects that would otherwise be impossible. 

As an artist, I focus on large-scale metal and mixed-use sculptures for public placement particularly works that stem from a specific cultural or social heritage. My work is often a celebration of a place or people like my site-specific Spritius Mortem sculpture which was an assemblage of detritus found in the Northern Nevada desert or Baba Yaga House, an homage to my Lithuanian heritage. I enjoy finding that voice or spirit and translating it into a public sculpture for all to share.

Aside from creating large sculptures, I’m the founder of the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market, a two-day music and art festival celebrating D.I.Y culture with over 20 live bands, 100 local vendors and a whole lot of chaos. I also help facilitate a quarterly art zine called Generate! with my prolific non-binary illustrator, screen printer, comic author, Ray Daylami Frost.

I’m also a proud mom to two wild children, Elliott (8) and Cassidy (4) who I raise on my little 2-acre art farm in Lemmon Valley. Our desert farm includes ducks, guinea fowl, chickens and goats plus a few sculptures, several fruit trees and some overflowing raised beds. Our farm is an exercise in communal living with 4 adults, 2 kids, 1 very large cat and 2 mostly good doggos.

Making natural dye for bandanas with Kristine, Olivia and Elliott - 2022.

Baba Yaga Fly Ranch Installation Meeting - 2019.

Welding Space Whale - 2016

Welding Space Whale with Don Shannon. - 2016

Say Hey